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We've expanded our product range... again!


We've been busy the last two months working on expanding our product range.

We want to make it as easy as possible for our customers to get as much as they can in one place - specifically, with us here at Lineway UK!

Check out our new products below:

3M Road Studs - One Way

These superior-quality road studs have been approved by the Department for Transport.

Temporary Road Studs - Two Way

These studs have been designed for use in temporary traffic management schemes, on edge of carriageways, buffer zones or as lane line markings. The studs will give good performance on all types of surfaces, where they can be removed after works leaving little adhesive marks on the road surface.

Hand Moulds Grade B

Used for the application of thermoplastic paint and cold plastic. Shorter handle and light weight gives easier manoeuvrability. Available in 50mm and 100mm.

Pedestrian Crossing Studs

Each stud has a 75mm shank which when fixed into the road surface with Polymer Modified Adhesive** (Hot Melt) ensures sound fixing of the crossing stud to the road surface and resists any twisting movement.

Explore our full range of road studs here.


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